Grace, who is a vice principal/assistant, hands Rooney, the principal, the telephone. Rooney holds the telephone next to his ear while talking to "Mr. Peterson." Rooney picks up a pencil. He fiddles around with the pencil, while talking on the phone. The other phone rings and Grace goes and answers it. It is Ferris Bueller on the phone. Rooney places his feet up on the desk and relaxes. Once they find out its not Ferris Bueller, Grace and Rooney run around, messing with random papers. The computer is on in the background but is not being used at the moment. The phone is old with the spin around dial. The calls on the other lines are indicated by a flashing light. Grace jumps up and down, waving her hands trying to get Rooneys attention when he is saying all of the rude comments to Mr. Peterson. Once Grace finally gets his attention, she tells him that Ferris Buellers on line two. Rooneys face is priceless! He is so embarrassed. Cameron, who is playing Mr. Peterson, is getting a good kick out of doing this to them. Once Ferris shows up at Camerons house, he freaks out at Cameron saying he messed up on the phone call. Cameron says have a good life because Ferris pissed him off. Cameron forgives him and they hit the road for their "day off."
The biggest thing I would change when filming this movie would be the props. The phone that was on Mr. Peterson's desk is so old. I would definately change the phone on his desk to a newer one. Having newer props might make the movie seem more realistic to people who are watching it. There were also certificates up on the wall in the background. I think it would be funny if the whole wall was covered with them. Another prop I would change is the chair Rooney is sitting in. I wouldn't change the actual chair, just what happens with it. I think it would be good in the movie if the chair tips over when Rooney is sitting in it after he finds out Ferris is on line two.
Dude, I would totally go and change the computer he was working at. That looks to be exceedingly old and kind of outdated, even if it WAS modern-day school equipment and crap like that. I'd even change maybe the idea of the phone with Grace. Maybe she could get tangled up in it when she was handing it back to Rooney at first. I wanted a little more from Cameron's side of the line as well. Maybe his reaction to when Rooney could have been picking up on the fact it might not have been him or something along those lines.
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